Screening for "School Without Walls"

Event Title:  Screening for "School Without Walls"

Event Date:  June 4, 2010 6pm-10pm

Event Address:    District Lounge, 2473 18th St NW (Washington, DC)

Event Host: Tanecia Britt of the DMV International Film Festival

Sponsor: Crystal Head Vodka

Why did you attended this event?  In support of the producer and director of the film, Tanecia Britt

Did you have an active role in this event?  If so, what & why? No, just an invited guest.

How would you decribe the setup of the event? the appearance?  Great. The location was nice as it provided an open floor and plenty of viewing opportunities of the film.

What was the highlight of the event?  Seeing Tanecia's name in the production credits ;)

What could have been better about the event?  I arrived late so I cannot properly gauge what was needed.

Give a brief summary of how you think the event turned out as a whole?  I believe people were in awe of the directorial debut of Tanecia Britt in Washington DC (she may have done viewings prior to this but this was the first that I attended). Anyhow, aside from that, the ability to converse with various talents in the DC area over Crystal Head vodka was a plus as well ;)

Pick one word that best describes the event:  Exciting

~ Sasha Vann, Publicist - Wash, DC

For more information about the DMV International Film Festival visit:

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