"Need You" by Sonny Corleone ft. Miss ID

Type of Media:  Music video

Title: "Need You" by  Sonny Corleone ft. Miss ID

URL:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcZpJk5Wqds , http://www.DutchmenEntertainment.com  

Followers:  Not Sure. But I am sure that he has a fan based because he has his own website. 

Channel views: 3, 057 (as of June 11, 2010)

Date:  May 5, 2010 

Description:  Music Review 

Critique: Lyrics are ok, but honestly I was not feeling the video.  It didn’t really have a lot of energy.  I know it is a love song and it is not meant be all bubbly and high energy, but there still wasn’t that chemistry that you look for in love song music videos.  There was much interaction with him and the girl portrayed as his girlfriend.  Based on the lyrics and title of the song, I expected the video to tell a story about the complex struggle he is having with this girl, but that wasn’t there.  And because of that, I lost the interest in really enjoying the whole video experience.  I need more camera interaction and real personal feel to draw me in and have me relate to the video. 

Miss ID, she was doing the hook. She was overdoing it.  Too me, she was being too sexy.  That vulnerability was not there.  Sonny’s lyrics are about the struggle of being in love not the sexiness of being in love.  I would have loved to see or softer side of her, not just sex appeal.  There is a way of being sexy without looking like all you want is sex.

Overall, I really enjoyed the song, but I needed and expected a little more.  I think with a little more work in front of the camera and really studied how both Sonny Corleone and Miss ID look when they are in front of the camera, they could make a great music video and pull in their listeners and watchers more. 

For more on Sonny Corleone, please visit: http://www.DutchmenEntertainment.com 

~  Megan, Entertainment Reporter

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