Indie Music Review: "Feel Good" by Lira

Artist Name: Lira

Track Title: "Feel Good"

Genre: Jazz, Neo-Soul/Soul, Rhythm/Blues

Location: Johannesburg Africa

Lyrics (words of the song): 5 stars

Delivery (how the song is expressed; expressive style): 5 stars

Sound Quality (accuracy, enjoyability, or intelligibility of the audio output): 5 stars

Diction (style of speaking; pronunciation and enunciation): 5 stars

Music Bed (beat, background music): 5 stars

Theme (topic or idea of the song): 5 stars

Most notable thing about the project? Vocals are so clean plus a good use of effects on one portion of the song.

Would you buy this project? yes it sound very professional matter of fact it is professional

Suggestions to better project? Nope

Provide a summary of your thoughts concerning this track/album: I don't like the outro. It did not have a natural ending in my opinion.

Artist website:

Analyst: Cecil, W.O.W Radio Audio Engineer

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